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Flag Day Audio Tour

Entering the Village

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Virtual Flag Exhibit


Welcome to Storrowton Village Museum, a nineteenth century village constructed for modern visitors to enjoy. The nine antique buildings that surround you are not original to their locations. Rather, these structures were purchased, deconstructed, transported, and then reconstructed here on the Eastern States Exposition fairgrounds almost 100 years ago.

This multi-million dollar project, when adjusted for today’s inflation and buying power, was funded entirely by Helen Storrow, a Boston-based philanthropist and Chairwoman of the Home Department for the Exposition. Helen, a pioneer of historic preservation, modernist architecture, women’s rights and ardent supporter of the Girl Scouts of America, sought to teach visitors about life in New England in the nineteenth century in an immersive and experiential manner. Thanks to her efforts, millions of people have come to visit these buildings, saved from demolition and disuse, so they can be enjoyed for years to come.

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