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School Field Trips

Educational & Customizable Field Trips

Storrowton Village offers a wide range of long-standing popular fieldtrips and customizable options for all ages and grade levels, including home school groups. We welcome creative ideas and further customization to enhance your in-home or classroom experience including seasonal themed activities, STEM-focused activities, blacksmithing workshops, and more! To learn more about our in-home or in- classroom program see here. For more details on how to book or reschedule a visit, contact Storrow@TheBigE.com.

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Grade level: Targeted to grade 3, customizable to all grades
Hours: 9:30am - 1:30pm
Size: Maximum 32 students per day
Cost: $10 per student

Using several restored antique buildings as their learning laboratory, 3rd grade students are provided with period costuming and guided through a variety of hands-on activities similar to those which were part of the 19th century child’s workday. Students will have the opportunity to cook over the fireplace, dip candles, receive an introduction to textile arts, apprentice at the Blacksmith Shop, peg shoes and practice quill pen calligraphy. After lunch, all students participate in a half-hour 19th century class in the Schoolhouse to round out the day and enhance their learning experience.
*Each child should bring an apple for the cooking component of the program.

Grade level: Targeted to grades 1-5, customizable to all grades
Hours: 9:30am - 1:30pm
Size: Maximum 32 students per day
Cost: $10 per student

Children and adults participating in the Little Red Schoolhouse program are provided with period costumes and given a brief orientation on their roles. Our 19th century style Schoolmaster or Schoolmistress will lead the students through a variety of engaging and fun activities similar to those which were a part of a child’s school day early in the 19th century – quill pen writing, spelling bees and math drills. Using copybooks and slates to do their lessons, students will top off their day with old-fashioned games. The children take home their quill pen and copybook as well as a certificate of attendance as a keepsake of their experience. All participants should bring a lunch.

Grade level: Targeted to grades 6-8, customizable to high school grades
Hours: 9:30am – 1:30pm
Size: Maximum 32 students per day
Cost: $10 per student

Students will get to experience history by finding history! From digs to making fossils, students will get to experience archeology at their own pace. With the help of Senior Archeologists, students will practice their skills with the scientific method, create their own field journals, and get a glimpse at how we collect history. Students will get to bring home a handful of activities from their day. All participants should bring lunch. This program is not costumed.

Grade level: Targeted to grades 4&5, customizable to lower grades
Hours: 9:30am – 1:30pm
Size: Maximum 32 students per day
Cost: $10 per student

Have you ever wanted to be a shopkeeper? In Today’s Math Yesterday’s Market, students get to practice their math skills as 19 th century shopkeepers! Practice sorting, making patterns, identifying shapes and bartering are just some of the great fun students will have at the Village. Students will get to take home a plethora of activities from the day as their keepsakes. All participants should bring lunch. This program is not costumed.

Grade level: All grades
Hours: 9:30am - 11:30am or 11:30am - 1:30pm
Size: 120+ students per day
Cost: start at $10 per student, $10 per teacher/chaperone

Participants take a glimpse into the life and work of New Englanders in the 19th century by touring through each of our unique buildings around the Village including the Union Meeting House, North Center School, Clark Blacksmith Shop, Potter Mansion, Eddy Law Office, and Gilbert Farmhouse. Hands-on activities can be added to enhance the experience for an additional $1 per activity per student. Stay late in the morning or come early in the afternoon so you can bring a lunch and picnic on the Village green (indoor space available for rainy days). This program is not costumed.

Grades: All grades
Hours: 9:30am – 11:30am or 11:30am - 1:30pm
Size: 120+ students per day
Cost: $10 per student

Students participate in four dynamic activities designed to stimulate their senses, focused on presenting the children with a comprehensive view of the chores and activities experienced in the daily life of an average child in the 1800s. Learning is encouraged and enhanced through creative thinking; problem solving; visual, verbal and tactile skills; and folklore and oral history. Activities vary by season and may include any of the following: making a copybook and writing in it with a quill pen; dipping candles; cooking over an open hearth; exploring the Village during a scavenger hunt; and doing the laundry! This program is not costumed.

Learn about our Museum To-Go Program here!

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